Extreme Couponing - How to Save Even More Money

I will admit, it takes discipline to do extreme couponing - but last night I was in line at the grocery check out and watched a woman fill two grocery carts for $72 by using a handful of coupons!  And, even more amazing, almost everything she purchased  was a name brand.

I commented that she really had the couponing knack...she said her husband was out of work for almost a year and she had 3 small kids and she had to learn how to do it and suggest I check out a few sites on the web to learn more of the "how to tips and techniques" of extreme couponing.

With the rapidly rising cost of gas - and everything else it impacts, I find myself in a situation similar to hers - helping two sons who are out of work........trying to stretch a nickel.

Many retired folks are on a fixed income and really cutting back since they did not get a cost of living raise last year and everything in their life has gone up in price.

So, here I begin - if you have a coupon site to share, please let me know and I'll be glad to pass that along.

Extreme Couponing 101: How to Extreme Coupon and Save 84%+ on Groceries

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