Trends in Senior Living

Every year, different trends take the forefront in the world of independent living.  In 2010, there are several interesting new trends coming down the pipeline. The most significant ones are highlighted below for your convenience:

1.Urban Retirement – Thanks to the centralized proximity of daily necessities like grocery stores and pharmacies, the convenience of public transportation and the nearness of many prime entertainment opportunities, you can expect to see more seniors retiring to urban areas than ever in 2010. Urban retirement is a trend to watch, and the independent living industry is already taking notice. The suburbs will continue to be the predominate location of most independent living service providers, but urban areas will see a definite upswing this year.

2.Technological Amenities – Although many people consider modern technology to be the province of the young, more seniors than ever are getting into high tech gadgetry and other products. Modern technology can benefit independent living in a number of key ways, with communication being one of the primary areas. Thanks to modern forms of communication like email, social networking, text messaging and others, communication can be more easily incorporated into an independent lifestyle than ever.

3.Adventure Activities – Where trips to the mall or to the casino used to predominate in the world of independent living activities, today’s seniors are becoming more adventurous in 2010. This year, expect to see a variety of active team sports increase in popularity; track and softball are two prime examples. More and more independent living facilities are expected to offer programs in more extreme activities like sky diving, white water rafting, skiing, parachuting – and many others – in 2010.

4.Co-Housing – For seniors who aren’t ready or willing to live in an assisted living facility – but for whom total independence isn’t quite realistic – co-housing is becoming a more popular trend in the upcoming year. In a co-housing arrangement, individual seniors enjoy their own apartments or townhouses while sharing common areas with a group of other senior citizens. In this way, they have a built-in community of people who they can turn to for friendship and help while still maintaining a large amount of privacy and independence.
5.Green Building – Green – or eco-friendly – building is something that has been emerging as a trend within the independent and assisted living industries for some time. Its roots lie in the increasing awareness of people around the world about saving the planet and reducing their impact on the environment. Interestingly enough, the current economic climate is going to propel the green building movement forward significantly in 2010, since renewable energy and reusable resources – along with overall sustainability – are excellent ways to cut operating costs and save money. Independent living facilities around the world will be placing a greater emphasis on green building well into the future.

6.Low-Income Housing versus High-Income Housing – Affordable senior housing is in limited demand these days. In 2010, an increasing demand for reasonably-priced senior housing is going to surge; for that reason, it is quite likely that low-income housing facilities will be developed at a more rapid rate in the upcoming year.

7.Campus Senior Housing – An exceptionally interesting trend in independent living – and in senior housing in general – is campus senior housing. Originally started to help alumni maintain their roots with their college or university, such programs are becoming popular ways to keep senior citizens active and involved well into their golden years. For the independent living industry, this trend presents many prime opportunities and could help some facilities branch out in new and exciting ways. Thinking outside the box is definitely a trend in 2010, and you’ll be able to find evidence of it throughout the independent living industry.

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