Cutting Edge Appetite Craving Killers

All of us have things we crave - you're not alone. If you are giving into your cravings, this Dr Oz segment is for you.

EGCG Green Tea drops is said to stop the cravings and make you feel full while speeding up your metabolism.  Costs about $7 at the Health Food Store.

Pine Nuts - some fats are good for you...

Wheat Bran - is a carbohydrate that you don't digest.. fills you up and it's a great way to start the day.  Drink 8 - 12 oz of water to insure you are getting good sponge action

Vinegar helps you feel full.. you can even drink it as a "cocktail"  - use Red Wine Vinegar with club soda... it may not be more tasty than red wine but remember, red wine is really wine that femented too long!

Here, Julie Daniluk, RNC, nutritionist and host of Healthy Gourmet on the OWN network, shows you how.

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