Familywize - Immediate Savings on Prescription Drugs for Everyone

 In Darke County the Familywize cards are distributed by United Way but you can also print a card from the Familywize web site or pick one up at the Kmart pharmacy.


IT'S FREE: This is a free resource from the FamilyWize community service partnership. Use this FamilyWize card to start saving money on your prescription drugs today.

IT'S EASY: Simply present your card and prescription to a participating pharmacy to obtain the discounted price. You always receive the lower of the discounted price or pharmacy's retail price.

HOW MUCH YOU SAVE: This card can save you and your family an average of up to 30% or more on 8 out of 10 prescriptions. Click here to see the discounted price of medications using this card.  (Note - that this says prices at CVS may be significantly higher, even for generic drugs) It pays to price shop.

NO RESTRICTIONS: Use your card as often as you need, for any prescription, for everyone in your family. There is no income limit, age requirement, eligibility or registration required.

$1 BILLION IN SAVINGS: The goal of this community partnership is to reduce the cost of medicine for children, families and individuals with no prescription drug coverage by $1 billion. FamilyWize cards are being distributed free of charge nationwide by participating United Ways, community and faith-based organizations, county agencies, doctors, businesses, some pharmacies, and individuals like you. The discounts and savings are provided voluntarily by the more than 55,000 participating pharmacies that have agreed to accept this card. Please remember to thank your pharmacy for its participation and those helping to give out the cards for the difference they are making for you, your family and your community.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Did you know that more than one out every five people in the United States has no prescription drug coverage? Please email, text and tell your friends, family members, co-workers, and members of groups you know a link to this website, place a link to this site on your websites and web pages, and print cards for the people you know that do not have Internet access. And please click on the Volunteer Center to get cards and flyers to distribute in your area. Together, we can make a difference! THANK YOU!

THIS IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE: Discounts are available only at paticipating pharmacies.

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