Retirement Matters

The Retirement Life Matters website celebrates the opportunities of life over 50 by creating a community for sharing tools, resources. This site helps those seniors  new to retirement  to  make a new life. Baby boomer retirement is different as many intend to keep working in to retirement.

* The concept of a life of full-time leisure or full-time work is being rejected. A happy retirement consists of integrating work, play, and volunteer activities.

* Retirement ideas now consist of learning, growing, mental stimulation and finding meaning are requirements for the New Aging.

* No longer the “me” generation, the New Aging is about the “we” generation. Retirement wishes are about staying connected to family, and friends, but also making a difference in the world. welcomes the baby boomers generation when it’s your time to prepare to retire. Explore the website, make comments, ask questions of the experts, and join in our teleclasses. Our goal is to get you informed and involved in the finest of adult living.

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