Alka-Seltzer - it's not just for heartburn

Most people think of  Alka-Seltzer for the relief of  heartburn or indigestion, but these tablets come in handy for many other uses.

1.Cleaning the Toilet - simply drop two tablets in, wait 20 minutes for the citric acid to loosen the grime, scrub and flush.

2. To Clean Burnt Food Off Glass Cookware: drop 5 tablets in a sink full of hot water. Soak your cookware for about an hour and the burnt food should come off easily.  ( Baking Soda is cheaper and works just as well).

3. Polish  Your Jewelry: put two tablets in a bowl of warm water. Let your jewelry (do not use for pearls or opals) soak for about 20 minutes. It will come out looking brand new.

4. Catching Fish -: put a tablet inside your tube jig and cast off. Fish love bubbles, so they will gravitate toward the fizzing.

5. Clean a Coffee Percolator - Fill the water chamber and drop in two tablets, then run a cycle. This will clean out all the internal components. Run through another plain water cycle before using the machine again for coffee
6.  Cure Urinary Tract Infections - Take two tablets in a glass of water as soon as you notice symptoms. Results are almost immediate. Keep in mind that Aspirin is a main ingredient in Alka-Seltzer so those with Aspirin allergies shouldn't use it.

7. Soothe Insect Bites - Drop two tablets in warm water, then soak a cotton ball in the solution. Apply it to the infected area for 30 minutes for relief from the insect bites.

8. Unclog the Sink - A great natural solution for unclogging the drain! Drop 3 tablets down the drain, followed by a 1/2 cup of vinegar. Let the hot water run for 5 minutes and you'll have a clear drain. This will also work to deodorize the drain.

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