Senior Citizens Prime Target for Identity Theft -Medicare Card

Did you know that one of the easiest ways for your identity to be stolen is if you lose your Medicare card?

When you turn 65, everyone receives their Medicare card.  Did you know your Medicare number is tied directly to your social security number – something identity thieves just love.

Identity theft is on the rise and senior and elderly populations seem to be a prime target for the thieves.

One of the ways seniors can lose their identy is by losing their wallet with their medicaid card -  First thing you need to do is to keep your Medicare card in a safe place. Security experts recommend you do not carry your Medicare card or your social security card with you. What if you should lose your wallet? There’s your social security number. All it takes is one of these cards to steal and/or sell your identity.

There is no reason for someone to carry a social security card in your wallet. Keep it at home in a safe place.

To keep your Medicare card safe,  make a copy of the Medicare card and blackout the last 4 digits of the number and keep that with you. This just shows someone that you are covered by Medicare should you need any type of medical help.

It is recommended that you make a few extra copies of your  Medicare card and keep those copies in a safe place too. Make sure to give one to an adult child who may need that information if you are hospitalized and unable to give that information.

Should you need to visit a doctor, all they need is the copy of your Medicare number. You don’t have to hand them your original card and risk forgetting to get it back.

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