Having Surgery or Immobilized? Protect yourself against dangerous blood clots

DVT - Know your risk and how to prevent it

Deep Venous Thrombosis - also known as DVT, is more common than most people think and could cost you or a loved one your life. Get informed, know who's at risk.

"Following general surgery, the approximate risk for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is 15-40 percent." (Source: The National Institute of Health.) Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a condition in which a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins in the body; the most common locations are in the legs and feet. The reason DVT is a big concern is that it often leads to pulmonary embolism, when the clot dislodges and moves up into the lungs, leading to death.

Fact: The risk of DVT nearly doubles after hip or knee replacement surgery or hip fracture surgery to between 40 and 60 percent. (Also from the NIH.)

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If you or a family member is going to have surgery, you should know about an all-too-common danger and how to protect yourself. The danger is from blood clots that can form in other parts of the body, then move to the lungs, where they can cause death

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